
Maradona: FIFA corruption cannot begin to imagine Michel platini has surrendered

Maradona has been reduced with FIFA, Qatar's bid to host the World Cup recently made a fraud scandal, Mercurial Galaxy 2014 has just arrived in Brazil, maradona also shelled the FIFA, he asked the international community to severe punishment the Qatar fraud event of the parties to horse in interviews shelling way: FIFA has too much of a bribery scandal, CR7 Mercurial 2014 the outside world is unable to imagine To emerge in the process of Qatar's bid to host the 2022 World Cup events of bribery, I think that must be the relevant person in charge of shall be investigated for responsibility But he also acknowledged that FIFA, how can't shake, hethereworried FIFA has been had existed for many years the phenomenon of accepting bribes, but all the charges are in vain hethereworried

