
Wayne Rooney of Manchester United in November to get the best player

7 united's Wayne rooney in seven languages website won 80% of the vote, warren, Nike Hypervenom 2014 15% 5% patrice evra Wayne rooney interview video Video dialogue: Reporter: Wayne, this is the second time this season you won the award, you must be very satisfied, that is recognized by Manchester united fans mean to you? Rooney: yes, one month in any game, any recognized by fans are always great, so I'm very happy. Continue to play for the team better is very important Reporter: in united's November 11 goals, you enter a five assists, was also involved in the other two. In these moments which is your favorite? Rooney: perhaps robin's goal against Arsenal, it was a great header. In the big games, I issued a corner, and then he scored important goals for us. Journalist: obviously you did a lot of, score goals and create goals, whether you at the beginning of the game more to put the ball into the box? Wayne: I always do that, but thanks to his team-mates can beat the ball in. When you and your teammates can put the ball into the ball was very good. Hope to have more of these goals. Reporter: we also see you come back defense, the corner. Whether you think you play a role in the field that is the important part? Rooney: of course, you know, we hope to be able to clean sheets and goals, and win the game. This needs to be forward in set-piece defensive back, which we need to do on the pitch. We may need to do better in this respect. Reporter: for you are doing, what do you think your career is a state? If one of your best time? Wayne: I don't know. Or leave it for people to evaluate it. Now I am enjoying football and played pretty well, I will continue to work hard, hope to be able to maintain success on the pitch.

